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Executive Director, Founder

 Biography and Resume

Biography of Jacqueline Augusta - Founder of From Our Ashes and Executive Director - Founder of Women OF Worship Sorority and Main Steward

Jacqueline is a proud mother of four children, a Minister of the gospel and a devoted community leader for at risk families and individuals.  She has more than twenty-seven years of experience giving assistance, and implementing programs, she is avid at helping provide the basic needs for the homeless, low income, shelter residents, and citizens returning after incarceration.  She has passion, compassion, and empathy for people in need and has obtained and continue to gain great knowledge and experience at bringing  resources and assistance to people who are in need, that lack the ability to access the resources needed to live above poverty Jacqueline founded From Our Ashes in 2000 but was doing the work years before and through hands on and boots on the ground learn to do the following Jacqueline skill are program directing, project management, coordinating people, developing projects, fund-raising, networking, producing, marketing, critical thinking, creating, planning, salesmanship, mentoring, teaching, case management, job developing, job coaching, and curriculum building.  Her warm spirit draws people to her.  Jacqueline passion, and desire to help others is clear and notable and shown through all her efforts.  Jacqueline aim is to stimulate growth by providing the necessary tools and assistance, and resources that will motivate the individuals and families in need to use the programs that she creates, partners with or is in assistance to as a platform to elevate their lives.  Jacqueline has and continues to create job opportunities for job training, entrepreneurship, wealth and health building by providing programs, projects, and classes, she has hosted a multitude of health and wealth fairs, started and implemented mentoring programs, back to school picnics, that provided back to school supplies, food and clothing, hosted clothe and food drives for the needy, assisted families hit by disasters, and hosted toy and basket giveaways that included food, clothes, and gift cards, hosted Thanksgiving dinners for the Homeless, and others, gave out food to take away and clothing.  Jacqueline has raised funds to keep the not-for-profit operating but has also raised funds for other not-for-profits.  One being dear to her heart the American Cancer Society due to her mom, and other family members passing from Cancer.  Jacqueline actively brings awareness to the community via workshops on Domestic Violence, how to start a business, wealth and health building, she continues to look for partnerships and collaborations with other programs, organizations, and businesses to make it possible, some of her partnerships and collaborations have been with churches, ministries, community activist, police departments, schools, and foundations, along with the workshops these relationships are built so she can provide resources, and tools needed for her participants.  Jacqueline also volunteers for other not-for-profits helping startups and expand because her desire to help others goes much wider and broader than the programs that she is in leadership over.  Her reason for being open and willing to help others that are helping others.  Jacqueline has been feeding and clothing since she was eight years old.  Jacqueline has promised to serve in this capacity as long as she can.

From Our Ashes is Not For Profit 501(C) 3 Charitable Organization

Tax exempt according to the rules and regulations of the I.R.S.

All Sponsors receive - Free vendor opportunities - Free entry to some of our events- Social Media shout outs - listed on programs - listed on annual report - listed on advertisement.

© 2022 From Our Ashes Inc. All Rights Reserved

No one person can help everyone in need but we all can help somebody, help us help others.

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14722 Pulaski Rd #641

Midlothian, Illinois 60445


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