Employment - Apprenticeship - Business Ownership - and Mentoring Opportunities
Culinary Style Cooking
The Soul Kitchen
Participants will learn to cook culinary style, take and restock inventory, prepare food for deliver, deliver food, and receive a food sanitation and or food sanitation management certificate.
Business Management Customer Service
Work Force
We will address work barriers, job readiness, life / soft & hard skills, customer service training, operating a business, aptitude testing, leadership and financial trainings, lastly provide vending opportunities.
Coming Soon
Saving Our Sons and Daughters Mentoring (S.O.S.A.D)
Mentoring is an integral part of our program, it will help our participants with growth, employment, support and direction while in our program. We will match participants with professionals in the field they are training in for potential employment, apprenticeship opportunities or business ownership.
*In development not yet offered*
Participants will learn welding, carpentry, H.V.A.C., plumbing, soldering, and electrical, lock smith, furniture repair, construction, property preservation, retail sales, lawn services and proper snow removal. Participants will also have the opportunity to obtain a 30hr OSHA certificate.
Mission - Goals - Objectives
Our Mission is to help alleviate unemployment, poverty, recidivism and homelessness among those we serve,
to help them be self-sufficient by training them in skill sets that will allow them to be productive independent citizens by providing their basic needs, such as - food- clothes - housing -employment - and business ownership.
Our goal is to help as many as possible from our resources as well through partnerships - collaborations - sponsors - individual donors
Our Objective is to give a hand up allowing the people we serve the opportunity to become self sufficient, independent productive citizens
Our movement is to give a hand up
By helping provide : Food- Clothes - other basic needs
Through our Soul Kitchen
We serve a hot meal once a week
give clothes, hygiene products and other items
to three Recovery Houses
and a men shelter as we expand these services
will grow
up coming: Workforce & Entrepreneur Training
From Our Ashes Enterprises Inc.
Our Social Enterprise is here to provide these services:
Welding- Carpentry- Construction- Rehabbing
Labor Jobs
Clean gutters- Garages - Basements- Attics- Apartments - Houses - Businesses - Churches
Snow Removal - Lawn Care- Heating & Air Condition
We donate a great portion of the proceeds to continue
the work of From Our Ashes Inc.
Call 219-680-9088 For a quote
Thanking Our 2023 Sponsors
Shiloh Church
Beggars Pizza
Costco Store
Individual Donors
From Our Ashes Board Of Directors
President - Toi Bowers
Vice President - Daryl Brown
Secretary - Nakisha Morgan
Treasure - Sherry Doyal
Tamarra Smith- Member
Join Our Movement
In life we all will or have needed a hand up that's the way life is we need you to join our movement so we can get people the right tools so they will no longer need a hand out or up but can have the opportunity to be independent productive citizens.
Saving our Sons and Daughters
Mentoring and a Meal
Prison Prevention Program
Purpose - This relationship for the mentor and men-tee is a high priority for both. The mentor must consider being a mentor as one of their main purposes in life. The mentor and men-tee must be clear on why their together and the reason their meeting. They will discuss and agree upon what will be worked on, and will be able to recognize when the purpose has been completed.
We will have Business owners, Community leaders, Corporate leaders, Trades members that will mentor our youth from 18-35 so they can connect and provide employment- apprenticeships- business ownership opportunities
We will provide job readiness - pre-apprenticeship - entrepreneurship - job training for those selected by their mentors. Those not selected will still be able to be provided training and place back into mentoring program until a connection is made.
Mentoring sessions for 16 weeks, first four will be group sessions, last twelve will be with mentor. Men-tees that will be hired will go through a 8 week job readiness class, meeting twice a week. Men-tees in entrepreneurship will go through a 8 week training class meeting once a week. Men-tees
Training for apprenticeship will meet for 16 weeks 4 times a week.